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Black Sparkling Stars

Void Moon Guide

Black Sparkling Stars

Bringing the Void Moon into your business requires no research on birth charts or consultations with astrologers.

Take this easy first step!

Use astrology to build your business intuition by using Void Moons to time important actions.

What is it?

  • In business astrology, the Moon represents our connection to our people.
  • The Moon is "Void" when it's lulling between two zodiac signs. This happens every 2-3 days. Time feels slower.
  • The Void Moon shows us there's a pause, or disruption, in the energy connecting us to our people.

Black Sparkling Stars

How do I use my Void Moon Calendar?

  • Integrate the Void Moon Calendar with your business calendar.
  • Experiment with checking the calendar anytime you want to send an important business email or important document.
  • When planning for the week, experiment with scheduling meetings and other important communications around the Void Moon times.
    • Try scheduling newsletters outside Void Moon times
    • Try scheduling your podcast release outside Void Moon times
    • Try scheduling meetings outside Void Moon times
  • Instead, use Void Moon times for reflection, planning, finishing details or creative thinking.
  • Track how you feel and note what activities seem most fruitful during Void Moon periods.
  • Note any insights or ideas that emerge when you surrender to this pause in lunar energy. Over time, you'll feel better in flow by optimizing these resting phases.
  • Also note what results come from actions that couldn’t be paused during the Void Moon.

Simply notice and bring attention to your intention.

Let’s surrender to the stillness.

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Legal Disclaimer: I am a certified astrologer, and I take great pride in sharing my expertise and knowledge with you through these readings, My aim for any product is to empower you with insights to inform your business decisions intuitively. I want to make clear, however, that astrological services do not and cannot take the place of professional business, financial, legal or psychological advice and are not intended as substitutes for consulting with licensed professionals in those fields. I cannot make any guarantees regarding the accuracy of astrological interpretations or their outcomes in planning business endeavors. You maintain full responsibility and discretion in how you choose to utilize astrological insights.

Copyright 2024 | Lunar Lemonade Creative LLC | Not for sale, resale, or distribution/redistribution as part of any promotion, product, or as a standalone