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Lunar Lemonade Astrology

Business Astrology


(based on your Natal Birth Chart)

Woman wrinting on calendar


Want to feel like you've got the inside scoop on the year ahead? Let's map out your personal astrology, quarter-by-quarter, so you can plan your business activities to flow with the astrological rhythm in 2024.

Feel empowered, confident, and oh-so-ready to make moves at the right times. No more guessing whether you should push forward or pull back.


When you can read the astrological seasons, you can respond wisely — without reactivity. Understanding the planetary influences can help guide you during a more quiet year and help you look for opportunities during higher visibility years.

Rather than wasting energy pushing that boulder uphill, you'll better understand what actions flow with the cosmic current.

Woman Using Calendar App on Computer in Office
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New: Let’s continue on Voxer

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Two Businesswomen Shaking Hands
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Step 2: Get on Voxer

After viewing your report, get signed onto Voxer where we’ll continue the conversation. You’ll get up to 7 days of audio support to answer any questions you may have.

Step 1: Book a time to receive your report

What big planetary movements will influence your personal chart in the year ahead? We’ll follow the slower moving planets and the major transits impacting you this year.

You'll receive a video recording that covers:

  • Where the potential for growth is
  • What challenges will need to be overcome
  • The areas of business that have the potential for surprise and change
  • The energy of each month’s lunations.
  • Areas of life emphasized for your Solar Return year
  • Areas of life emphasized by your Progressed planetary shifts

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$178 / Year-Ahead Reading

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How exactly does this work?

Once you complete the intake form and book a start date, you’ll get an email within 48 hours with instructions on sending your first private Voxer message. You may choose to text or use the voice feature.

On the date you book, you’ll receive a video recording of the Year-Ahead Reading from me. Please make time to review the recording, as we’ll get to continue the conversation for up to 7 more days on Voxer together. You have the flexibility to listen and respond at your leisure. If you’re using the free Voxer plan, please save any messages you’d like to keep. Messages will disappear after one month or if you logout of the app.

What will the report talk about?

Each individual’s chart is different, so topics can vary based on the key business activities you’re wanting to plan your year around. Usually we’ll discuss the timing of each quarter in terms of the most emphasized areas in your natal chart through the lens of business. You’ll know what months support working on collaborations or product generation, as well as which months support rest.

We’ll also discuss what your Solar Return Chart says about your year in terms of business, and personal life shifts based on your Progressed Chart. We can get on Voxer to wrap-up or address any unanswered or last-minute questions you might have.

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Who are you and why are you qualified?

Hi there! I’m Neets and I’ve been studying astrology since 2018. I have been trained and certified in business astrology from the wonderful Kathryn Hocking, and I use Western tropical methodologies. I’m a Sun and Mercury in Virgo, meaning organizing dates and calendars are where I shine. The best way to get a feel for how I interpret charts is to sign up for my newsletter or read my blogs on Medium.

Please keep in mind that when you book, our conversation will continue for up to 7 days only.

You’ll need to download Voxer, a free audio app, that allows us to listen and respond during the 7-day timeframe without being locked into a specific meeting time.

Due to the uniqueness of every business chart, I reserve the right to combine or change each day’s topics.

Each day, we’ll have a maximum of two exchanges per day. Please make sure you are available to listen to the recordings each day during the week you sign up for this reading.

$178. Let’s map the next 12 months!

Due to the real-time nature of this service, NO REFUNDS take place.

If you have questions about this service,

please email:

Legal Disclaimer: I am a certified astrologer, and I take great pride in sharing my expertise and knowledge with you through these readings, My aim through these readings is to empower you with insights to inform your business decisions intuitively. I want to make clear, however, that astrological services do not and cannot take the place of professional business, financial, legal or psychological advice and are not intended as substitutes for consulting with licensed professionals in those fields. I cannot make any guarantees regarding the accuracy of astrological interpretations or their outcomes in planning business endeavors. You maintain full responsibility and discretion in how you choose to utilize any astrological insights.